Let us start by saying that I am better than you.Next to me YOU ARE NOTHING, you shouldn't be surprised, after all my very being makes you're only reason for living to be my slave for all time.Infact I shall prove my super mega ultra hyper epic perfection now.
First, I shall say a few things about myself that I feel show how much better I am than everyone else. You don't have to agree with me on everything but if so... I hate you. One, I am the only person I have met with the perfect balance of intrests in both nerd culture and the arts. Two, I am genius who is better than you. Three, I am a really nice person who never looks down one anyone. This alone shows how pathetic you are when compeared to me, but. Four, I am better than god, he's not real, I am. Five, I am better than you, your not real, I am. Six I am 100% logical and will not believe in anything fantasical. Seven, I shall be the one to find the magical dragon (big winged lizard thing). Ate, I canot misbell eny wordce.
To serve me.
To be the very best like no one ever was and to not do painfully predictable and bad refrences.
It holds me back.
First, I shall steel all the worlds research documents on DNA and cloning. Second, I shall advance the area so much that every one in the scientific community will obey my every command. Third, I shall build a super cloning machine that only I can use. Fourth, I shall use the cloning machine to make an invincible army of me. Fith, I shall use my own clone army to take over the galaxy. Sixth I shall turn the clones aganst myself and build a space staition powerful enough to destroy an entire planet. Seventh I shall have the rebels blow up the space staition using a really stupid weakness that in the spin-off turns out to be intentional and I feel like this is missing the point so I shall move on.
How do I know everything? simple, I don't have to, let me explain. I have worked out that anything anyone says I don't know is a lie and if they can prove it then reality is wrong.
Blow up Mexico..(I don't know why, but it works...).